Friday, August 2, 2019

The Legend Of The Mountain

Many, many moons ago, ancient warriors told 

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The mountain was located in south central China, and the local inhabitants were fearful of this massive peak, due to the fact that a giant dragon dwelt at the top, sink holes would swallow up would-be mountain climbers, fiery lava flowed from hidden crevices, screeching monkeys would swing down on vines, unexpectedly, to get in folks faces, giant cockroaches blocked the trails, looking all ugly and nasty....and a lot more horrible stuff we don't have time to get in to! They called the mountain...
Mount Kawayotahondamitsubishi.

Every summer a young warrior was sent up the side of  Mount Kawayotahondamitsubishi to attempt to slay the dragon, which, in turn, would fix the sink holes, stop the lava flow, muzzle the screeching monkeys, cold-cock the cockroaches, and end all the other horrible stuff on the mountain .... but for 1000 years not one warrior survived the terrible Mount Kawayotahondamitsubishi!!

Then, one special day, a small, unassuming boy volunteered to brave all the death dealing dilemmas that dotted the dangerous Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi!!

His name was So-Hi! Which means, child who conquers all the bad stuff on Mt.Kawayotahondamitsubishi!!

It was a dark, stormy morn' when So-Hi trekked the long, arduous 500 feet, to the base of Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi!!

So-Hi spoke to the mountain in a loud voice (people talked to mountains in ancient times) ..."Mt. Katoyotahondasubishimit! Listen to me!! We need to talk!!"

Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi - "Say what?"

So-Hi - "I said, Mt. Kahondamitsuotabishi, listen to..."

 Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi - "Way, way, WAIT!! You come here to talk to me and cannot even pronounce my name? What a major no-no!! How's about me sending my ginormous dragon down here to eat your face, So-Hi!! Hmmm?"

So-Hi - "Aha! I know your tricks, you tricky mountain! As soon as I pronounce your name correctly, I will become your slave and will NEVER be able to conquer you!!"

Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi - "Conquer who?"

So-Hi - "You! Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi!!"

Mt. Kawayotahondamitsubishi - "Gotcha!!"

The moral of this story is, even if your name 
means "child who conquers all the bad stuff on Mt.Kawayotahondamitsubishi," doesn't guarantee you can actually do it!

Another thing we learn from this story is don't talk to mountains! You'll never win!

In addition, you may not always have a happy ending, but you will ALWAYS learn something from the experience, like. never trust a mountain, or don't volunteer for a job you clearly cannot do!

The End!

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