Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday Fall Quiz...Penmanship Will Be Part Of Your Grade

It's been many moons since I last gave you guys and gals a quiz, so it's about time.

Remember...grading is on the honor system, so self grade yourself honestly. I know you will. 

St. Peter may ask about this on your entrance into heaven, so...

Friday Fall Quiz Questions
You may begin.

1. Glirkazoids are...
a. sandwiches
b. computer components
c. spaze aliens
e. those spinning things that kids spin between their fingers.

2. True Or False...
The true center of the universe is Peoria, Illinois.

3. Yes or No...
 Worms hear.

4. The author of the legendary Bloggadocious 222 blog is _____________.

5.The mysterious "blob on the moon" is actually...
a. a moon pimple
b. an underground mountain of gold.
c. Alice Kramden
d. a vast, secret military base, built by Zurreallyuns, for no apparent reason, since it's been there for a trillion years.

6. Most beautiful First Lady...

7.  True or False...

Politicians are smarter than us.

8. The BEST entertainment for "average midwest Americans" is...
a. the Greg and Dan radio show.
b. Bloggaocious 222
c. Asian Carp round ups.
d. all of the above.

9.  Clouds are really whipped cream for ________to eat.

10. What do angels put on their hot chocolate?

11. Which photo appeals to you? No right answer.

12. Two TV antennas got married.  The wedding was okay, but the __________was great!

13.  If you could live ANYWHERE in the world, what color would you paint your house?  Trick question. 

14. The GREATEST singer of all tom is/was...
a. Joni Mitchell
b. Richie Havens
c. Freddy Mercury
d. Enrico Caruso
e. Tom Jones.

15, Tests are pretty much obsolete, because...
a. we can Google any answer we want.
b. who cares if we know the circumference of the earth, and other unnecessary stuff. 
c. very soon, computer chips will be implanted in our brains that will give us all the known info in the universe, when we blink our eyes or something. 

Times up!!!

Send your answers to me through the magic of the enter net, and I'll grade as fairly as a democrat would grade a republican, or vicey versy!!


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