Monday, January 20, 2020

Penguin Project Plays In Peoria 

And All Over The U.S.!

I'm not going to go into the history and details of The Penguin Project, except for the fact it helps so many sweet kids to face challenges in a wonderful way!

Yesterday we attended the performance of "Legally Blonde Jr." in East Peoria, Il. The Penguin Project was totally responsible for the wonderfully delightful and funny production of this musical!

The cast was filled with kids who face various challenges every day, including our talented granddaughter, Brooklin, who has struggled with autism throughout her life. (By the way, she NAILED her part)

All of the brave children who performed had various degrees of obstacles to overcome, but they ALL soared way above anything that ever held them down, and they touched our hearts in a deeply emotional way.

The audience could not hold back the tears when they sang the traditional Penguin Project finale song, "Don't Stop Believing!" 

See for yourself in link below ...

Even if you've been to a smash hit Broadway Show, I guarantee a Penguin Project production will touch your heart in a more profound, soul stirring way.

Link to Penguin Project info...