Friday, January 10, 2020

Tidbits Of Profound Nonsense!

I need to apologize profusely, people! You were all expecting my blog this morning and I disappointed your pea pickin' hearts!

"Better Nate than lever," as folks used to say in them ancient hills of Kentucky in the 18th century circus. 

Boozing it up has nothing to do with it! I haven't touched a teetotaler for an epoch!

"The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind." Especially in Illinois, since Jan 1, 2020. However, it's a dumb answer if you axe me...and who would be silly enough to axe me? Not me, you betcha!!

Why do I have this old ad stuck in my memory banks? (Hold my beer) Crest has been shown to be an effective decay preventive dentifrice that can be of significant value when used in a conscientious applied program of oral hygiene and regular professional care. 

I can also do the Superman TV Show intro...but this is no time to show off with that old...Faster than a speeding bullet...more powerful than a locomotive... able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...Look! Up in the's a's a's SUPERMAN! Yes, it's Superman...strange visitor from another planet who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men...Superman...who can change the course of mighty rivers...bend steel in his bare hands...and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter from a great metropolitan newspaper...fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way! NO! I didn't cheat! Ye of little fake!!

What does it matter at this point in Tom, anyway? The whole wide worm is going coo coo, in a purkle haze of misunderstanding and even Mr. Understanding!

Have a super groovy weekend and may the bird of paradise fly up your nose!!

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