Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Worthless Words For Tuesday

As you all know, I'm just a plain old guy who enjoys writing this blog to make my victims readers exclaim, "I don't get it!!"

"Why?" You ask so curiously. 

Well, the reason I do it, uh...is...I don't know.

Maybe because it's not healthy for me to retain all of this wacky stuff in my brain, and I need to release it upon my unsuspecting victims friends, family and innocent bystanders to retain (I already used retain, didn't I) maintain my fragile sanity, or what's left of it, or even right of it!

Now, don't you members of the "Peanut Gallery" fear that my madness will rub off on you in any way, shape or farm! Farm? 

It's scientifically impossiroo for my bizarre personality to have any influence on those who take the risk of partaking of my humerus observations! 

Think about DaVinki, the great inventor, artiste and body snatcher! Was ANYTHING he ever did remembered for very long? 

Okay, yes...but I'm no DaVinki! (I know it's DaVinci , but DaVinki is more fun to say, kind of like, epi-tome)

Anywho, that's all for today! Make sure you tune in for Out Of This Worm Wednesday, tomorrow! 

1 comment:

  1. you wanna try and pronounce names of small Texas towns !
