Tuesday, February 4, 2020

My State Of The Onion Address

The State Of The Onion is strong! 

Especially if you get those kind of onions that make you cry from burning eyes!

Hey, that sounds like a country song...

Sung to the tune of "You Can't Hide Those Lyin' Eyes..."

I'm gonna cry from burnin' eyes,
Because onion juice really flies,
I don't know why it's a surprise,
There ain't no way to soothe those burning eyes.

I digress. My fellow Americans...there is a plethora of onions in every single grocery store, fresh market, and roadside veggie stand in our sacred nation! 

Although there are a few anti-onion factions in the darkest crevasses of this U.S. of A.... patriots stand together, shoulder to shoulder, in their passionate love of onions!

We must have onions on our hamburgers, in chili, tuna salad, potato salad, with liver, on a mustard sandwich, in onion soup (duh), and YOU can list more food items that must have onions in the comments section of my blog.

For your information, onions are NOT created equal! There are the kind that are very strong, pungent and make you cry, whereas other onions (like Vidalia Sweet Onions), are milder, sweeter and really sweet when sautéed! Yum!

Everything you want to know about onions can be found on the link below...

So, in conclusion, America is like an onion. America has layers (like an onion) of diverse people, education levels, skills, cultures and crazyness.

Like an onion, America can be strong and make our enemies cry!

On the other hand, America is also sweet (like Vidalia onions), giving aid to poor countries, treating Japan and Germany nice after WW2, sending food, water, building materials and lots of human resources to victims of hurricanes and other disasters around the world. 

Lets face it, like an onion, America has appeal!! Get it? A peel? Never mind. 

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