Monday, March 30, 2020

Happiness Begins From Thyself

I made the title of this blog post, "Happiness Begins From THYSELF," to make it sound biblical. It's not. 

However, we can always find happiness in things that others may find boring, if we use our God given imaginations.

Remember when you were a wee child, and you had to go to Aunt Henrietta's house for a visit, where there were no toys, or T.V., or nothin'! 

Well, I do! 

Anyway, I used my God given imagination to create things to do, and built imaginary forts from Aunt Henrietta's couch cushions, used her clothespins to be soldiers and Indians native Americans, 
her house plants became a forest...and, you get the point.

So, as we hunker down in our homes, we can create our own happiness by using our WHAT? Right! Our God given imaginations!! 

As you gaze around your home, what do you see that would be a fun prop to use in making a video for your friends, or even bringing some levity to your family members, or your dog!

Look! A lampshade! Placing the lampshade over your head and dancing around like a clown would be the obvious way to exude happiness from thyself, but why not turn it upside down, and place it over your head like a "cone of shame," and bark like a dog? What a creative way to bring happiness to others! Especially your dog, if it doesn't freak him/her out!

Gather up all the empty toilet paper rolls (I'm sure you have a bunch) and decorate them with stickers, glitter, or whatever you have available, and make toot ta toots! 

Whenever any family member complains about being quarantined, every other member may give her/him a big TOOT TA TOOT through the TP roll!

Use some makeup to convert yourselves into Zombies! Shred your clothes a bit, have fake blood (ketchup..if you have any left) running down your chins, and if any concerned neighbor comes to your door, scare them away by moaning "BRAINS...BRAINS!!!"

Fun for the whole family!! 

What imaginative suggestions do you have to create a happy atmosphere in the dungeon-like existence we are experiencing on Mar. 30, 2020?

Okay. A bit of exaggeration here. 


  1. We played slideability... We had contest to see who could run and slide the furthest in their socks.
