Friday, April 24, 2020

The Birds, Bees, Fishes In The Seas...
Yes, All God's Creatures Give Me Hope!

I was out walking Chevy-dog this lovely spring morning, and heard hundreds of birds singing their beaks off, saw a baby bunny come out from under our front deck (there has probably been about 10 litters of baby bunnies born and raised under our deck since we've lived here), squirrels were chasing each other around trees, and even tiny insects were buzzing about my head. 

This is not me, but just an example of bugs flying about the head.

It almost seemed like they had no clue that we are suffering from a worldwide pandemic of biblical proportions! 

Unless they are all just faking it. You know, pretending to be oblivious to the bible-like pestilence, but deep down in their little hearts they are extremely terrified. 

We cool, we cool!

If you're like me (which almost nobody is) you've always believed that animals and insects have a special relationship with God and understand God's ways, WAY better than hoomans!

So why aren't all of God's creatures huddled up in caves, and tree holes, and under front decks, to escape this major calamity...Jane?

To the contrary, they are all acting normally. Robins are yanking worms from the ground, bees are gathering pollen, squirrels and rabbits are doing what they do best (while I look the other way), so, what do they know that we don't know?

Then you counter with, "They are just dumb animules and bugs, they don't know nothin'!"

Oh, yeah! What about the times dogs, cats and chickens have predicted earthquakes by their erratic behavior? Or dolphins have predicted tsunamis by walking on their tails in the ocean? (Okay, maybe that was in a Flipper TV show)

I'm not suggesting we have not experienced a major, heartbreaking pandemic at all, but God's creatures give me hope that everything will be okay one day...which probably makes me cra-cra...but every night I pray that covid-19 goes away..

Or could it be the creatures instinctively know they ain't gonna get the virus?


  1. It's pretty special how comforting animals can be, just by them being themselves.
