Friday, May 1, 2020

63, 238  Views But Only 522 Comments?

According to Blogger statistics, 63, 238 people have viewed my blog!

This stadium can hold 60,000 people...that's a lot!

I don't believe them, but I'll take it.

Of course, 63,238 is not a milestone. A milestone needs to be a number like 60,000, 70,000 or 100,000, or whatever the person saying "it's a milestone" thinks is a milestone.

  1. 1.
    a stone set up beside a road to mark the distance in miles to a particular place.
  2. 2.
    an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
    "the speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations"

The definition above shows two, um, definitions, the definition I'm discussing is number 2...but you already knew that didn't ya?

The reason I don't believe I've had 63, 238 views on my blog is because I've only had about 522 comments over the years!

Does it make sense that 63, 238 folks have viewed my stupid blog and I've received only 522 comments?

You know and I know that people are more opinionated than that. Just look at Fazebook and YouTube. Everybody is champing at the bit to put in their two cents!

I know I have said LOTS of stuff that offended you, but not a peep from the offended parties? I don't think so!

On the other hand, I've blogged about wonderful, inspirational stuff, and included some of my most beauteous ballads, with only a smattering of "that was good, Danny!"

See my point? Out of 63,238 views, shouldn't I have more than 522 comments? 

Here's a test. I'm gonna say something so controversial and offensive, that, normally, EVERYONE would chime in, if it were on Facebook.

Here goes..."puppies are ugly!"

Aha! Now, at long last, we will find out if the Blogger statistics are truly accurate, or if they are padding the pageviews, just to make me feel better!

YES! I said it: "PUPPIES ARE UGLY!" What are you gonna say about that folks?

Have a great weekend!!

Well, the best you can, under the circumstances.


  1. Haha! There might be an ugly puppy out there somewhere, but I haven't seen it.

  2. "the number you have reached is not a working number, please hang up and try again!"

  3. Are we talking slush puppies or hush puppies?

  4. Mud puppies, rhymesauce! Thanks!
