Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday
Bring Your N95 Mask!

After landing on Krug the Kruddy's planet (I forget the name of the planet) our great galloping Glirkazoids have completed their essential checklist, and are about to embark on one of the most dangerous missions they've EVER, um, EMBARKED on!

Gary - "Ready to embark, Rosie?"

Rosie - "Surely! I'm itchin' for a fight!"

Gary - "I know you're itchin' for a fight, Rosie, but don't call me Shirley!"

Rosie - "This planet is so foreboding, Gary! What's the name of this foreboding planet?"

Gary - "If memory serves me (ha ha), it's simply called "The Forbidden Planet!"

Rosie - "Hmm! The foreboding, forbidden frontier!"

Gary - "No, no! Who said ANYTHANG about FRONTIER, FOOL?"

Rosie - "No one. I just like how the alliteration rolls off my Glirkazoidian tongue. Footing the foreboding, forbidden frontier, forever!"

Gary - "Footing? You're incorrigible, Rosie!"


  1. (of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
    "she's an incorrigible flirt"

Rosie "You watch your dirty mouth, buddy!"

At that precise moment in time, Gary spots the dark, nasty lair of Krug!

The air on the Forebidden Planet stinks to high heaven to begin with, but the foul stench emanating from the dark, nasty lair could knock a buzzard off a manure wagon!

The area outside the lair (a big cave) is strewn with the bones of Krug's victims, phazed out weapons of would-be Krug killers, candy wrappers, old, rotting sneakers, with no mates, black and white TV sets...

Holy Moly!! 

I hope our heroes brought their N95 masks! 

Don't think this is a N95 mask, but it would work on masking smells for sure!

Krug must be as kruddy as his name suggests!

Krug pictured above, lest you forgot.

His defenses are waiting for Gary and Rosie to stumble into the stinky cave and...

If you are longing to find out what happens...and I know you are...

Join us next week for...


  1. aH !!! good ole NBC training !!

  2. Nuclear, biological, chemical! I had a bit of that in the hhhharmy!
