Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Epic Battle To The Death

If you can remember all the way back to last Wednesday, as few can, our Glirkazoid guy and gal, Gary and Rosie, are standing face to face with the hideously ugly, awfully powerful Krug The Kruddy!

Rosie - "Why not fight like a man, Krug, and stop your ridiculous shapeshifting, which is considered cheating, when you check the ancient Book Of Battles And Spaze Combat!"

Krug - I'll do battle as I wish, you Glirkazoid "mud slugs," as he changes himself into a Motaur! Besides, you know I can't read, anyways! So put that stupid book away!!

Suddenly, the evil Krug accelerates himself toward our heroes, and as soon as he is close enough, Rosie whops him across his creepy face with the ancient Book Of Battles And Spaze Combat, which causes him to, unceremoniously, wipe out!!

At that, the mighty Krug transforms himself into a gigantic Aardvark, and attempts to suck our Glirkazoid warriors into his snout! And just about the time Rosie and Gary are nearly vacuumed into that slimy proboscis...

Gary - "Rosie! Do you have any pepper on you?"

Rosie - "Pepper? This is no time to eat, lamebrain!!"

Gary - "No! Pepper will make Krug sneeze and blow us to safety!"

Rosie - "Good idea! Let's see...salt...parsley..., no pepper."

Gary - "Then we're doomed, girlfriend!"

Rosie - "I DO have some applewood seasoning."

Gary - "Applewood seasoning?! That's even better than pepper!! Sprinkle a bit around Krug's aardvark snout, but not too much, or he'll blow us into itty bitty bits!"

Sweet Rosie grabs her little bottle of applewood seasoning and sprinkles a tiny bit on Krug's aardvark snout.

Instantly, the enormous aardvark sneezes, and our Glirkazoid geniuses cry out "gesundheit," as they fly across the cavern to safety! 

Whilst Krug is having another sneezing fit, our gallant Glirkazoids bring out the BIG GUNS and emulsificate Krug into a big ugly puddle, that can never hurt another creature again! (Unless he comes back to life in the future, if I run out of ideas for monsters)

Gary - " Rosie! I thought you said shapeshifters revert back to their original forms when they're dead! Krug is just a puddle!"

Rosie - "That's because we emulsificated him a bit too much in our enthusiasm."

Gary - "So, does this mean he'll never come back to life, like most monster villains do?"

Rosie - "That depends on if the writer of this blog gets "writers block" and needs to bring him back, in a desperate attempt for SOMETHING to post!"

Gary - "How do you bring a monster villain back from an emulsificated puddle?"

Rosie - "There's ALWAYS a way, in Out Of This World Wednesday!

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