Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday
A New Adventure Awaits

As you rabid Out Of This World Wednesday fans know, the exciting episodes of Out Of This World Wednesday are more than just a bunch of silly spaze stories, but go way, way beyond the superficial realm of syfy comedy, into the deep, dark mysterious regions of the mind and soul!

The battling of monsters and dragons, evil cosmic villains, and dreaded interplanetary diseases are mere illustrations for what we earthlings experience in our semi-miserable lives every day. 

Gary and Rosie represent the dual personalities that each individual displays in times of tumult, terror, and trepidation.

At times, you're the smart, witty, sophisticated, Rosie, who is logical, brave, fearless and other times, you can be the slow witted, fumbling, Gary, who is  always screwing up, but seems to prevail in the end, by sheer luck. By YOU I mean ME.

Who is this? ↑

Frankly..I'm mostly, Gary. Who are you? 

Anyway, all of you faithful readers know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, you newbies need to stick with the  OOTWW series until you understand the deeper, hidden meaning that permeates the inner sanctums of  these profound writings!

Let's begin our new Out Of This World Wednesday series, shall we?

Gary and Rosie have just returned home to their planet Glirka, after having obliterated the malevolent, Krug The Kruddy, who was responsible for the toilet paper shortage in the universe, among other nasty things. 

Gary is speaking into a microphone to record their adventure, for posterity?

Gary - "As Krug approached, I said, I don't care how big and fugly you are, fatty...I will single handedly emulsificate you into a puddle of liquid slime, buddy! Since Rosie was nowhere to be seen, I whipped out my emulsificator and..."

Rosie sneaks up behind Gary.

Rosie -"Aren't you leaving out a few details, Gary? Like ME smacking Krug across the face with the Ancient Book Of Battles, and ME providing the applewood seasoning to make Krug sneeze, when he had transformed himself into an aardvark and almost sucked us up, and ME emulsificating him along with you?"

Gary -"Details shmetails, Rosie! No one ever reads these boring reports anyways."

Rosie -"No one but the Glirkazoidian High Command, who give us promotions, pay increases, medals, and special honors!"

Gary - "Ha! Gotcha, Rosie!! I knew you were standing behind me all the time, and I was PRETENDING to leave you out of the report! Wow! You fell for my little joke!"

 Rosie - "Well, I got the last laugh, goofball! I ALREADY sent the full, accurate report to the High Command a few parcepts ago!"

Gary - "Uh, that's, um, great, Rosie! You're on the ball, girl! Responsible Rosie! That's you! Uh, super...then...I'll, going, uh,,,now."

At that precise moment, a new mission appears on the New Missions Screen, and Rosie and Gary are totally flabbergasted!!

What is this flabbergasting new mission? 

Find out next week in...