Monday, May 11, 2020

We Are Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On...Bill Shakespeare.

Last night I dreamed (or is it dreamt) that I was hired to be a host on a talk/comedy radio show, and I was SO funny doing everything ad lib!

I was part of a three man team, like Robbins, Markley and vanCamp here in Peoria. 

Not to be confused with the GREAT, ICONIC, Greg and Dan Show, who  graciously play my a.b. normal songs from time to time.

Everything was going great until they handed me a bit I needed to memorize, and it all went to hades in a hand basket, if you catch my drift...snowflake.

Of course, I couldn't remember a word from the script and was sweating bullets until I, thankfully, woke up. 

At nearly 70 years of age (May 14, gifts please) my dreams are still constucted from my longings and fears. 

My dream of becoming a cool celebrity on the radio, TV, the Broadway stage, or movies, linked with my fear of failing miserably in my mediocrity.

Sheesh! You'd think I'd be over that silly crap by now! 

Maybe it's kinda positive that I still hope for a better future in my ancient days, and I'm not too overconfident in my entertainment skills, on the other hand, maybe becoming a super star celebrity would NOT be a better future, and I would end up sleeping in the gutter!

I could go down the BIG LIST of celebrities who had miserable lives, but I will not mention the names of these poor souls out of pity for their, uh...miserableness. 

In conclusion, maybe my attempts at fame and fortune have been thwarted by the Almighty, to prevent me from having a tortured, suffering, miserable life!

I hope so! I'd hate to think it's due to my lack of talent. Naw! That can't be it!!


  1. Big Willie may refer to: Big Willie (tank), a prototype of the first British tank.

  2. Danny....I share the same fears, the same dreams. It comes from an incredibly creative mind, coupled with a deep passion to flex the gift God has given us (in my opinion). One thing I can say for sure: you have NO LACK of talent! I say it often; only because it is true: you are the most brilliant, multitalented, prolific MAN OF INTEGRITY that I have ever known!! I capitalize that on purpose! Who knows what God's reasoning is, but I do believe He knows EXACTLY what He is doing! He may be protecting us - for being a big star brings temptations that maybe we can't handle? Perhaps He is using us EXACTLY where He wants us - on Facebook, and YouTube. Maybe He is using us so we can be more personal to people that we wouldn't be able to do, as "stars". Maybe, it's all about us using the talents He gave us for His glory, not our own?
    Believe me, I understand you frustration, brother! I want to take this opportunity to apologize to you. I am sorry I have failed to have any kind of success; and couldn't provide a forum for us to work together. I am sorry I don't have a bigger forum, at least, to bring more people to you (you know I have shouted you out before!). My dreams were vibrant with lifting you up for the incredible man and staggering talent that you are!
    But we are to not focus on what we don't have! God is bigger than any of our dreams! Remember you ARE a star. just not famous! You ARE a success - for you are doing what you love, and it is appreciated by so many, especially ME!

  3. Thanks, Michael, for being such a wonderful encouraging friend! Just taking the time to write there amazing, heartfelt words shows your beautiful spirit and love for others! Of course, I use a lot of hyperbole in my writings, and I'm not really as frustrated about my "entertainment career" as I make it sound in my blog. Anyway, you have a fantastic heart and soul, Michael! Keep the faith and keep making others laugh. We need more of that, brother!!
