Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Making Good Use Of Stimulus Cash!

Yeah, I know. I haven't done a blog posting for many moons, but I HAVE been putting that "stimulus" money to spruce up da houze! 

Paint, brushes, plants, dirt, mulch, towel bars, flower pots, and a lot of stuff I can't recall were all purchased with the cash from our, benevolent, President Trump! 

I just included the Trump thing to tick off my friends who loath Trump. Ha ha!

I really don't know where the money came from, but I don't ask questions when receiving free cash!

So, anyway, we've been planting flowers and tamaters, painting our deck and benches, putting up towel racks, and more things that are just a blur inside this ancient, worn out brain of mine. 

 Therefore, since I write my blog in the morning and do my yard work/painting/remodeling type stuff in the morning, my blog has been suffering, although a lot of you know my blog has suffered for a long time, right?

Just wanted you all to know I ain't dead yet, just trying to fix up the house while the weather is nice, and spend President Trumps money he gave me so generously. Whoops, I did it again.