Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Tuesday Is Guest Star Day! Yaaaay!

It is imperative that you watch the following video very closely, for 3 reasons. 1. It will bring back sweet memories from your childhood if you're as ancient as me.  2. It will help you totally understand this particular blog posting. 3. Because I said so! Just like your mom used to tell you, when you questioned her authority.

Okay, ready? Begin watching!!

Wasn't that fun? Sure it was! So who is the special guest today, you ask National Inquiringly!!!

Wait for it...wait for it...the special guest is YOU!!! Yaaaaay!!!

No human beans are more deserving of being the Tuesday Special Guest than youse guys and gals!!!

Even though my Bloggadocious 222 blog is bizarre, politically incorrect, full of bad puns (don't laugh, it's not that punny), infantile, sophomoric, and just plain dumb, y'all keep reading this trash, and are even brave enough to "like" it on Fazebook, even though the whole wide worm will KNOW you read this crap!

That takes big cojones, and cojones means coconuts, I think!

Anyway, when I started writing this blog, I never dreamed it would be viewed 64, 787 times! Check it out! I'm not lion!!

Only one reason that I've reached this phenomenal achievement.
Because of the deepest depths of love from my family and friends who, most likely, feel sorry for me. But that's okay! I'll take whatever I can get!!

Love all you "special guests" on this "Tuesday, Guest Star" day!!! 


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