Monday, July 20, 2020

Yes! It's A Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Day!!

I earnestly request that you watch and listen to this video below, carefully, and then I challenge you to have a bad day.

I know that some folks are gonna have a bad day, no matter what, but that does not include faithful readers of Bloggadocious 222, because you guys have a great sense of humor! You would have to have a GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR to have put up with my bizarre funniness for all the years!! (Too many have's? I think yes!)

Speaking of years, my grandpa would greet us with... "I haven't seen you in a year (then grab our ear), but I knows ya (then grab our nose), and I'm glad to see yer back!" (then slap us enthusiastically on the back)

It hurt, but I still thought it was funny, I mean the play on words thing, not the physical abuse. Just kidding about the abuse. I was used to it from Grandpa Estey!

Grandpa Estey was named after a piano. 

In many ways he was like a piano, in that he was loud, difficult to move (stubborn), fun, expressive, don't wanna hear about my grandpa when it's such a zip-a-dee-doo-dah day!!

A day to run around outside, splash in some water, visit your neighbors, even if they don't want you to visit them, ring some bells, sing some songs and skip the light fandango!!!

Of course, I'm not gonna do all that stuff, because I can't run anymore, I don't like splashing in water, I'm too shy to visit my neighbors, I don't want to get arrested for ringing bells and violating some noise ordinance, I can't remember the words to songs like I used to, and I definitely cannot dance, which is what skipping the light fandango means...I think.

On the other hand...YOU CAN DO ALL THESE THINGS...I hope! If you can, go ahead and do them, before you can't! Take my worm for it!!