Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Out Of This World Wednesday

For many, many years, our lovable E.T's, Gary and Rosie, have sacrificed their time, energy, resources, and lil green bodies to save inhabitants of distant and near planets, in entertaining and exciting ways for us spectators.

If you LOVE Rosie and Gary, check yes✓

If you HATE Gary and Rosie with a fierce hatred that would equal the hatred of a mouse for a cat, check no✓

Where do I make the check mark, you ask? HOW do I make a check mark, you inquire?

That's YOUR problem! I'm only here to provide comic relief. By the way, I'll be here all week, folks!

Gary - "I wonder if creatures all over the vast and half vast universes still read about our exploits in outer spaze, Rosie?"

Rosie - "Sure they do, Gary! We would not exist without them reading and believing in us! Kind of like Tinkerbell."

Gary - "Who?"

Rosie - "Well, Peter Pan had this little friend...and...never mind, you wouldn't believe me, anyway."

Gary - "Are you talking about Peter Frampton?"

Rosie - "Peter Frampton? No!'

Gary - "Peter, Paul and Mary?"

Rosie - "What? Absolutely not, bubble brain! And if I had a hammer, I'd bop you on your punkin' hade!"

Gary - "Then who's this Peter Pants character?"

Rosie - "Pan, pan, PAN, GOOFBALL!"

Gary - "Oh, PAM! Like Pam Dawber, from Mork and Mindy! I LOVE her!!"

Rosie - "AAAARRRRRRG! Gary! You need your hearing checked!"

Gary - "Just messin' wit ya, Rosie! I knew who Peter Pan was all along. Just love to see you get riled up! It brings out the blue in your eyes!"

Rosie - "My eyes are NOT blue, they're BLACK! All Glirkazoids have BLACK EYES!!"

Gary - "I know. I love seeing you get all worked up about stuff!"

Rosie - "! How can I tell you about our next mission with you teasing me all the time!!"

Gary - "Next mission? We've been assigned a NEW mission?!! Why didn't you tell me?!!"

My, my...will Gary allow Rosie to tell him about their upcoming mission?

Will they be saving another planet, like they saved the earth from the coronavirus? Or DID they?

Will y'all keep believing in Gary and Rosie until the cows come home, to keep them in existence? Not the cows! Rosie and Gary!

Join us next week to possibly find some of the answers to these impotent questions, in...