Friday, October 23, 2020

I Believe Algorithms Are My Downfall

For so many moons I have attempted to increase my readership with little to no success.

I've tried to be funny, musical, profound, dramatic, and just plain crazy, to no avail. 

"Why is this hapnin'," I keep axing myself!

Algorithms!!! It's got to be those stinkin' ALGORITHMS!!! 

"What are algorithms," you ask so inquisitively?

Darned if I know! I was hoping you could tell me.

All I know is how folks are always complaining that those wicked algorithms are messin' with their views, or reach, or something.

The way I understand algorithms is that Google, Twitter, Fazebook, even Blogger, look for certain words that trigger a positive or negative response from the afore mentioned platform's automated censors, and they can either limit or increase your readership/viewership according to what is politically correct in their pre- programmed robot brains.

If that's true, I need to stop using "danger" words, and start using acceptable words.

Let's see, some of the words I regularly use are, wacky, zany, Tom, alien, Glirkazoid, gang, dumb, Trump, monkeys, UFO, wow, epitome, Chevy...

So I need to begin using words like climate change, polar bears, global warming, New York, L.A., liberal, peaceful protests, wind energy, choice, LGBTQ, and progressive terms like that.

My popularity will soar to the internet heavens, because the algorithms will be with me!!

Whew! I'm glad I figured that out! I was starting to believe I failed...that I'm boring...folks don't like me...but, AHA, it's been the dastardly algorithms all along!!!