Thursday, November 12, 2020

 Being A Little Different? Why Not?

As all of you Bloggadocious 222 aficionados know, I pride myself on being different. Even to the point of people pointing to me and declaring, "you are badship KRAZY!"

That's all good! Think of all the famous folks that we're considered stark raving mad, but made the history books!




Vincent van Gogh...

Ear today, gone tomorrow!

Monty Python...

Jethro Tull...

What things do YOU do that are different?

Pizza on Thanksgiving? 

Hanging the Christmas tree upside down?

Letting the dog walk you?

Wearing underwear like a silly hat?

Mowing the lawn in "crop circle" patterns?

Joining vegetable worshipping cults?

Talking to inanimate objects, like lamp posts?

Well, you get the point. 

Being like everybody else is so boring!

Tell us what you do that's different from others.

We will not exploit your gullibility in sharing your secret, embarrassing oddities.

We are waiting.