Friday, November 6, 2020

Bye Bye To Twitter, Hello To Parler 

It's always sore exciting to be off with the old and start fresh with the gnu!

I've been on Twitter for a few years and very few people see my tweets. 

In addition, Twitter censures stuff from my friends, like D.J. Trump and company.

So now I'm on Parler, so folks can ignore me on that website!

It is a more conservative website and I'm kinda it is what it is. Whatever THAT means.

We still don't know who our next president will be, but think how nice it will be to have a leader with the wit, intelligence, stamina, humor, and devil may care attitude as...wait for it...wait for it...Sleepy Joe!!

Cereal-ly folks, not only has Biden NONE of those qualities..he's a low down, money grubbing, Chinese cahootin', feeler of little girls!

However, I'm keepin' the faith! 

Even though it looks like Trump is ready to bite the dust, he will emerge like a Phoenix from the ashes, and claim victory from sure defeat...I think.

Now I'm gonna publish this on Parler and see if ANYONE notices.

This is a test! This is only a test! If this had been an actual blog, you would be laughing by now!