Monday, December 7, 2020

Monday, Monday...Can't Trust That Day...But It's Okay, I Say!

"Sure, YOU can say it's okay, because you don't have to get up and go to work, like most of us do," you're thinkin'?

Well, maybe you're not thinkin' that, but I'm feeling a bit guilty about relaxing in my luxurious recliner, whilst you are slaving away in the proverbial "salt mines" every single, miserable day!

On the other hand, I USED to work every day, and I feel your pain, in a fading memory of what it used to be on Monday...especially if I partied too hardy on the weekend!

Ouch, it was sore hard (to use a biblical term) getting out of a warm bed in December...scraping the frost off the windshield, and going to a job that always seemed to be cold as ice!

The good part was Monday could POSSIBLY be a new beginning!

All the dumb mistakes you made the week before could be swept under the proverbial rug and you could begin making fresh mistakes!

Monday gave me hope that maybe a Nashville music publisher was gonna call me about a song I sent, or I might lose a couple of lbs, 

Roman libra
The libra (Latin for "scales / balance") is an ancient Roman unit of mass that was equivalent to approximately 328.9 grams. It was divided into 12 unciae (singular: uncia), or ounces. The libra is the origin of the abbreviation for pound, "lb".

my long lost uncle would send me $2,222 pazoozas for no reason,

 my boss would leave me alone, because he partied too hardy himself and had a splitting headache, 

I could learn how to play the Appalachian dulcimer, spontaneously, 

and an endless array of possibilities that simply being alive on Monday could bring! Hallelujah!!

Sorry if I got a little preachy, but my grandpa WAS a preacher, so it comes naturally. 

So, now do you feel better about Monday? 

Well, I do! That's all that matters! 

Like my new hair-do? 

Hee haw!


  1. after 14 yrs as a mail carrier (2nd career) I have NO guilt at all !
