Monday, January 4, 2021

Greg And Dan Are Back...At Long Lack!!

Link to Greg and Dan Show...below

When a body is used to waking up to a brilliantly conceived, hilarious, thought provoking, informative radio show, and it's not there, you go kinda nuts! (Well, I go kinda nuts) 

Sure, the Greg and Dan Show still aired during the holiday vacation, with Mark Alghini and Joe Greenwood filling in, admirably, but when you're used to the special, subtle, wacky nuances that only Greg and Dan can deliver, you kinda go crazy when it's GONE! (Well, I kinda go crazy when it's gone)

I can only compare Greg and Dan to a comfortable pair of slippers, or that first coff of cuppy in the morn, the dog climbing into your lap for cuddles, you know, all the little things that are familiar and bring warmth and comfort every day.

Think about it. What if you woke up and there was no coff of cuppy, or your slippers were missing, so you had to walk barefoot on the cold kitchen tile, and the dog ignored you? 

THAT is exactly how it feels when Greg and Dan are away! (At least, to me)

So, a big fat welcome back to Greg and Dan! We love you guys!! 

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