Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Out Of This World Wednesday 

Planet Z70 Is In Trouble

Supreme High Commander - "Your next suicide mission will be to beam yourselves over to planet Z70, in the Ogletharp system, and stop all of the nasty littering that's so unsightly to the eyes!"

Gary - "Sorry...I don't think I heard you correctly, Supreme High Commander. Did you say you wanted us to stop the littering on Z70?"

SHC - "Correctomundo, brother! Is there a probleemo?"

Gary - "Two things. Why would you send your greatest Glirkazoid gladiators on a simple mission like that, and how is this a suicide mission, hmmm?"

Rosie - (whispering)"Shut up, Gary! You know that it's against regulations to question the orders of the SHC!"

SHC - "Did you know it's against regulations to question the orders of the Supreme High Commander?"

Gary - "Uh,, no one ever told me, Commander."

Rosie - (whispering to Gary again) "You big fat liar!"

SHC - "Well, it's true, but I'll explain this anyway. Hopefully in a way that even you will understand!

Gary - "Bless you, oh, great leader!"

SHC - "Are you kissing up, soldier?"

Rosie - (thinking to herself) "Yes, he's kissing up, again."

SHC - "The Zoobilites on Z70 are extremely lazy creatures who NEVER pick up anything they throw away. This means that Z70 will soon be so covered in filthy trash that the litterbugs will not have any room to move around, plant their crops, fetch water, procreate or nuttin' honey!"

Rosie - "Okay, we get how serious this problem is, but how is it a suicide mission, Commander?"

Gary - "Yeah! How is it a suicide mission, Commander? Tell us that, tell us that!!"

SHC - "Gary? Are you ON something today? You're acting a bit frenetic, son."

  1. fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way.
    "a frenetic pace of activity"

Rosie - "Just ignore him, Supreme. He's like this ALL the time, unfortunately."

SHC - "Poor girl. Now where was I? Oh, yes, the reason it's a suicde mission is because the Zoobilites are a very proud race who will emulsificate you if you touch their trash, because they feel your exposing their biggest flaw."

Well, well, well! Will Gary and Rosie be able to stop the Zoobilites from destroying their own planet without themselves being destroyed?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Sure you would!

Then join us for the next...

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