Monday, February 15, 2021

Okay, It's REALLY Cold Now! 

Just when we thought we were out of winter, it pulls us back in, just like John Wick.

This video rated BU for blowing up something.

A little snow, a little ice, can almost be a little nice, but when the ice and snow are vicious, a big heat wave is what our wish is!

I created that poem with my own brain. 

Who said, "that's a terrible poem?"

Okay then..A little snow, a little ice, can almost be a little nice, but when the ice and snow are BAD, when it's done we're glad, glad, glad! 

Who said, "even worse?"

Alright...A little snow, a little ice, can almost be a little nice, but when the ice and snow do last, I always fall down on my ... keister!

Oh, you like this one, hmm?

Anyway, I just want to tell you the two things I REALLY despise about COLD, FREEZING winter!

2. Sitting down on the cold toilet seat. Don't tell me to get a heated potty seat or turn the heat up to 62. With these super high heating bills, we can't afford it! Chihuahua!!

1. The #1 super frigid thang I hate to do is getting in a bitterly cold car when it's 20 below zero!!!!

No, I don't have a heated garage, a remote car starter, or nuttin' honey! 

Just thinkin' about it makes me literally timbers!! 

I've always dreamed of having the heated garage and toasty warm home, and frequently told myself, "one day" we'll have ALL that stuff. 

Well, I'm 70, and still freezing my butt off! 

I'm almost positive Illinois is colder than Idaho!

"The more things change, the more they stay the same."
In 1849, French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote  “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose “ – the more things change, the more they stay the same…

I have NEVER understood that quote, but I thought it, somehow, fit here.

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