Thursday, February 18, 2021

Yes! I'm Carrying On In Spite Of......... YOU KNOW WHAT!

I'm carrying on with my hysterically FUNNY blog today, because that is what "Maha Rushie" would want me to do.

In fact, I'm hoping that throughout all these past few years, "The Truth Detector" watched all my videos, listened to my classic bits on the Greg and Dan Show, and read my internationally famous blog.

I can only imagine that in a few days the EIB network will contact me with an offer I will not be able to refuse. 

Yes! You guessed it! They will want me to replace "The Great One" because "The Big Guy" wrote in his diary I would be the best fit...due to my wit...and behind the "Golden Microphone" I should ship, Sherlock! 

Of course, ALL this is in my vivid imagination, but like my mom always said, "anything is possible, Danny boy!"

The only problem is she would say that when I asked her if monsters would eat me on the way to school! 

Me taking over as the new "Doctor Of Democracy" is not as far fetched as it sounds, folks! 

Here are some bullet points for your perusing...(I shouldn't use "bullet" should I?...I'll use "blanks" points)

I think there's a double meaning here, but I can't remember what it is.

Blanks points...

1. I'm the same age as the "Master Entertainer" was! 70 years of agedness.

2. We are both Missouri boys.

3. Both of us struggled with our weight over the last 30 years or more.

4. He was considered "The Most Dangerous Man On Talk Radio" and I'm considered the most dangerous man on the Greg and Dan Radio Show!

5. Even though the the Rush-man was not good lookin', he had a beautiful wife, same as me!

In conclusion, if you don't see me around for a spell, I'll probably be on a private jet to Palm Beach to become the new "El Rushbo!"

What do you mean, "no way?"

I'm putting faith in my mom's frequent, not the thing about anything being possible...but, when she said, "you can run away from home any time, but NO CROSSING STREETS!"

See ya, on the airwaves!!!!

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