Monday, April 5, 2021

Infrastructure Bill Another 2 Trill!!

There is so much talk about the infrastructure bill recently. 

 Infra- means "below;" so the infrastructure is the "underlying structure" of a country and its economy, the fixed installations that it needs in order to function. These include roads, bridges, dams, the water and sewer systems, railways and subways, airports, and harbors. These are generally government-built and publicly owned. Some people also speak about such things as the intellectual infrastructure or the infrastructure of science research, but the meaning of such notions can be extremely vague.

I happen to disagree with the above definition, as I disagreed with the "covid relief" bill stuff. 

A better description of these bills is a huge money grab from politicians who use legitimate problems to rake in trillions in illegitimate cash! 

It's kind of like the unscrupulous person who goes door to door, collecting money for the family who lost everything in a tornado.

Of course, you're willing to give a donation to help the poor family. What a good cause!

Then, you find out only 1% went to the devastated family, and the rest of the cash was spent on a vacation for the collector of the contributions!

What the?! 

I can't dwell on that dirty, political subterfuge very long, or I'll go TOTALLY nuts! 

I'm already 99% nuts, but I don't wanna be TOTALLY nuts! I won't be able to buy an "assault weapon" if I'm TOTALLY nuts! 

Just kidding about the "assault weapon." Don't need one. My hands and feet are already registered as lethal weapons, in the country of Albania. 

Fact is, even if I had an assault weapon and had to use it on some crazy terrorist or violent rioter, I'd be sad the rest of my life, that I took away someone's opportunity for changing  his/her ways. 

Yes. I know I'd be protecting my family, but my conscience would still bug me...a lot!!

I pray I never have to face that situation. I'm real bad during panic/emergency/critical events, unlike friends I have who have worked at "first responder" jobs and thrive on helping folks in life threatening emergencies.

Thank God for folks like that, and doctors who don't faint at the sight of blood, and people who devote their entire lives to saving poor, abused animals, even when the scared animals try to bite them, and all the individuals who do jobs that most of us hope we never have to do!

Whoops, I was supposed to be writing about infrastructure and swerved off the road! Got a bit derailed. Well, that's water under the bridge. 

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