Thursday, January 20, 2022

Crawling Back To Normalcy...Almost 

How are all of you doing? I see brief glimpses of normalcy, slowly crawling back into our social experiences. How's about YOU? 

List all the things that are better now, than when the panda-demic struck...

Okay...I will...

1. We can go to our kidses (kidses?) athletic events, and other stuff ... some spectators wear masks...some don't.

2. We can go into grocery stores, malls, the Dollar 25 stores and many more...where some shoppers wear masks and some do not.

3. We are happy we can go to church, where...guess what...some wear masks and some don't.

4. Now, you can add more to the list in your comments...whether you're wearing a mask at this precise moment, or not!

What's the point? I don't know. Maybe that things aren't as normal as we would like, but more normal than what it was when things weren't normal?

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