Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Why Am I Doin' This?

If you've been a reader of the blog for many moons,you know why I do this blog,
 write songs, do little bits on the radio and pretty
 much make a fool of myself, don't you?

1. It keeps my A B Normal brain active.

2. It keeps me off the mean streets of Pekin, Illinois.

3. (Most important) In hopes I'll be discovered!

Yes, I know, I'm incredibly old and feeble, but I STILL have hopes that one day, some way, somehow, a music producer will hear one of my songs and like it, a comedy person will hear my wacky stuff on the radio and love it, or, well, out of all of those 74, 000 folks that have viewed my blog, SOMEBODY will appreciate SOMETHING, and SOMEHOW I'll make 10 million bucks!

Yes! It CAN HAPPEN, if I truly believe in Tinkerbell, click my heels together, or find a magic lamp to rub!

Picture this...Ray Liotta has come to Pekin to visit his wife's relatives. He inadvertently is listening to the Greg And Dan Radio Show and hears one of my comedy bits, or songs...especially this one...

And absolutely LOVES whatever he hears, calls me, hooks me up with a big music publisher, like Sony or something, and soon I'm rollin' in the dough!!

Follow the money folks! 

I know you think I do this weird stuff out of the goodness of my pea pickin' heart, but I'm really in it for the pazoozas!! 

Where was I? Oh, yeah, it's all about me again! 

Shoot fire, I promised I wouldn't make this blog about me, me, ME, anymore!

Okay, how's about this ..when I'm discovered, I'll give all of my faithful readers and YouTube friends a sum of cash!! Yeah, that's the ticket...moolah for everyone!!! 

How much? Well, more than I've ever given you before!! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday, especially this afternoon!

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