Monday, June 27, 2011

The unending variety of gorgeous flowers are so breathtaking it causes you to puke your guts out, which is the normal reaction to the flowers on Glirka. ( It’s O.K. Everybody does it.)
Feeling better now, you look out to the horizon.
It is a surreal, dreamlike scene that resembles a newly discovered “Van Gogh” masterpiece; only bigger!
The mixed pink, purple and yellow mountains of Glirka are shaped like “Devo “ hats. (Remember; Upside down flower pots.)
(Warning! Venturing too close to these unique mountains can cause ZITS due to the natural chemicals they emit!)

Our mountains look like “Devo” hats,
Or maybe Mayan temples,
But never get too close to them,
‘cause they will give you pimples!

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