Thursday, November 29, 2012

Let me share something that totally amazed me.
My dad was a good man. Really!
However, Christmas made him angry, upset, frustrated,
foul mouthed, and belligerent.
O.K., now, here is what amazed me.
When dad visited his mother around Christmas, he was a
perfect angel.
No cursing, no smoking, no drinking., Why, he was even in
a good mood! (at least, he pretended to be).
How did he turn it on and off like that? He never
slipped up, either!
Listen to how dad sounded when he stubbed his toe at
home - "G.D. son-of-a-bleep and bleepers!)
Now listen: to how he sounded if he stubbed his toe at
his mommies house, - Oh, shucks, Excuse me for such harsh
Dad, at home- Hey, you! Bring me my cigarettes and a
beer and then pull my finger.
Dad, at his mommies place - Oh, how I deplore those
wicked, wicked souls who partake of "demon" beer and
cancer sticks, mommie dearest. (the Academy award goes to
Dad for the best performance in a Christmas setting.)

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