Monday, March 18, 2013


New title, same old nonsense!

Danny Madness Music Mondays are all about ME, ME, MEEEE, because every Monday I highlight an original song I've written in a past lifetime or two.

Before youse guys feast your ears on my classic country feel good song, that should make you long for the summers you grew up in the rural areas of Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, or Norway, I'll give you a brief background story on how this song came to fruition.Meaning of fruition...of something desired or worked for; accomplished : labor finally coming to fruition.

Although I've told you this story before, ad nauseam
(Ad nauseam is a term for something unpleasurable that has continued to the point of nausea), I'm telling it again for your own good!

We always went to my grandpa's farm in southeast Missouri during the hottest part of the summer.

How hot was it?
Well, let me say it the way my grandpa would have...
"It was hotter than two fat hogs squeezed in to a little tin shed in August, after eating habanero peppers, and havin' to sleep on hot coals!"

In southeast Missouri they can't simply say "It was hot!"

In fact, they can't say ANYTHING without drawing it out to the longest wording possible!

"Hey, grandpa! I heard you were sick."

"Well, I was sicker than a one eyed sailor on a little boat in the middle of a stormy sea, after drikin' six bottles of "rot gut" whiskey, and tryin' to read the newspaper!"

Just, "Yeah, I had the flu," was never enough.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah, my song, and the hot weather!

To cool off, we would always go down to the St. Francis river, under the Highway 67 bridge, and go swimming in the freezing cold water. 

That is where we saw the beautiful dragonflies, the Tumble Bugs rolling up balls of manure (that was so cool!), heard the Bobwhites and Whippoorwills, listened to the cars going over the bridge, and all of the cool stuff from my classic country feel good song of the century!

I almost forgot to tell you the most important part (duuh), all of this merriment and joyful exultation was done on "the gravel bar!"

What's a gravel bar, you ask so cityfiedishly?

Well, you know how in Illinois the banks of the rivers are pure mud?

In southeast Missouri they're made of gravel, that hurt your feet, unless you're wearing flipflops.

Sooo, the title of my classic country feel good song of the century, and beyond, is "On The Gravel Bar!" TAA DAA!!

Now, the best way to do this is start listening to the song, and then try to keep up with the words below.

Entiende usted? Good!


Wait a minute! I forgot! The lyrics are included in the video! 
I'm so happy I don't have to type all those worms!


Okay, now that you've listened to the classic country feel good song of the century and beyond the universe, as we know it, write a little comment in the comment box below.

But don't hurt my feelings, otay?

Before you do dat, how are you feeling today?

You know I write all this stuff 'cause I love you, don't you?

I want you to be happy, feelin' good, and I want you to feel like someone cares about you, a lot!

Okay, how many of you fell for all that bull#%?

Just messin' wit ya! 

You know I love you guys!

Now, really this time, how have you been doing?

Have you been getting your rest and regularly exercising every day?

That's important!

I haven't been, but this all applies to you guys and gals, not me.

Have the greatest day possible, for a Monday!!


  1. Great song! Loved it. Now that was a good ole country song:) yellow rose

    1. I love you for loving my songs, Yellow Rose! The truth is, you're such a wonderful Christian woman of faith and joy, that I'd love you even if you didn't love my songs! God has surely sent a blessing to me in you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    2. Awwwwwww, you r way to sweet. Thank you . Love, love . Yellow Rose

  2. Well that got my Monday off to a great start! Wonderful song and video, Danny! I love the end of the video where it goes to all pixels, nice work!

    1. Marty! You actually watched it to the end? That is awesome! Thanks for giving me your input on the stuff I do! It really means everything to me, brother!!
