Saturday, March 16, 2013


On this Surreal Saturday we want to discuss...
We interrupt this "SURREAL SATURDAYS" with an important message!!!

DATELINE: Yesterday.

Sara-Marie Ulsund Stiksrud made her first appearance on the Greg and Dan radio show, Peoria, Illinois, and was awesomely wonderful!!!

Here is the Audio from this historically significant show:

Wasn't she sweet?

In addition, Danny (The Madman) Maness has produced a video that highlights the cutest manifestations of Sara's talented being!

Here is said video:

We now continue with our regularly scheduled programming: 

Is Sara surreal?
Well, how do you feel?
Does a beautiful sunset really have colors?
Have you ever seen a billion dollars?

What if sunsets are imagination,
As well as all the beauty in creation?
Maybe rainbows spring out of our heart,
And our eyes don't really have a part,
In "seeing" all the pretty things,
Like Sara's face, and her cute nose ring.

Could it be that our love reveals,
The things we think are flesh and real,
We need not eyes to see compassion,
Or share a kiss in a time of passion,

Our mind and heart can tell a tale,
And if our vision ever fails,
Remember this true revelation,
Our world is our imagination!


  1. Great post today, Danny! Thanks for posting the audio as I slept through the interview, it was great! Cool that Sara acknowledged, "Peggy." And you should set that beautiful poem to music! Cheers!

    1. Now I've got TWO songs to work on because of you, Marty! LOL!
      Thanks, I need the encouragement to stop sittin' around and doin' nuttin'!

  2. Sara was awesome❤❤❤. This was just great! Hugs from yellow rose

    1. She did good!!
      Thank you for always being there for me, Yellow Rose!
      Hugs and BIG WET SMOOCHY KISSES back at ya! LOL!
