Thursday, April 4, 2013


I was trying to think of something I'd written in my prolific past that was thoughtful enough for "Thoughtful Thursdays," and I think I came up with a perfect example from my celebrated, and seldom purchased book..."Hitchin', God's Way Of Letting You Know You Don't Have A Car."

Just a few poetical pondering's on my visit to San Francisco as a hippy wannabe in (circa) 1970:
Ode To The City So Gay 

San Francisco, happy, gay,
Grown men hand in hand,
Like kindergartners crossing the street,
Shall we say.

I their wives and girlfriends get jealous?
It seems they have a burning need to display affection, 
With no fear of detection,
Like innocent children at play,

The men in St. Louis are too "macho",
Manly men that don't cry,
They would die before they would cry.

Why can't they display, everyday, 
Their emotions, sad and gay,
Like the people by the Bay.

I was treated like a king,
With flowers in my hair,
They would offer their chair,
One guy gave me his last pear.

I would get such loving stares,
From gentle, friendly men,
Never afraid to bear all of their feelings to me.

Why can't the whole wide worm be happy and gay,
In the way San Francisco was, in the "day".

Hooray! Hooray, for the gay!
Don't be sad. 
Be gay! Be gay! Be gay!
( But, watch out for the homos!!!)

Disclaimer: Any misinterpretation, miscontruing, or jumping to conclusions in regards to the authors view on homosexuality is all in your judgemental minds. The author of this blog is not really serious about anything, so you should never make the mistake of taking anything he says in a serious manner. Unless he's writing about Joni Mitchell, Richie Havens, his kids and grandkids, Sara-Marie Ulsund Stiksrud, his doggy, Benji, Marty Wombacher, his beautiful wife. God, and his Yellow Rose! Thanks for reading this small print!


  1. I do wish that everyone could love, smile, hug, & say what they feel everyday. Without judgement , we could all be friendly and be seen for what it is when gay is happy, innocent times, with innocent love, & hugs, how sweet it was, now my wish for this day is that We can all be that way, once again how it used to be. Luv, hugs, Yellow Rose

  2. Smiling on this lovely day,
    Feeling hugs the "blogger" way,
    Yellow Rose is happy, gay,
    She makes me feel such peace today,
    The way I felt it by the Bay.

    Thank you, Yellow Rose!

  3. "But, watch out for the homos!" Ha ha ha! Laughed out loud, Danny! I loved the sentiment behind this "Thoughtful Thursday" post! Nice one!

    1. Thank you, Marty! You're getting so popular, I'm asking for a gig on your future TV show before it's too late! Even a bit part is okay! HA!
      As to my experience of being clueless to the San Francisco lifestyle...if they only knew how how much is true!
