Thursday, June 27, 2013


 I wonder if my grandpa had the same problem as me, and my great grandpa, and all of my grandpa's throughout my family history.

What problem?

Trying to keep up, and make sense of all the changes in society.

Same sex marriage, for instance.

I honestly don't get it.

I think it's like eating an octopus.

I never in my wildest imagination would ever dream of eating an octopus!

However, some folks absolutely love chowing down on octopus! 

I do not hate the people that love to eat octopus, it's just hard for me to comprehend in my limited, frequently battered from playing football, brain, how somebody could eat octopus!

When I was a kid, gay people were called fruits, queers, homos, faggots, and other unkind things.

They would get beat up, made fun of, and banned from the elite circles of kids.
Gay Texan beaten by 3 cowardly guys.

Now, it's almost a status symbol to have gay friends, and anyone who makes a negative, bigoted statement about someone's sexual preference is ridiculed and berated by the elite group.

What an enormous change has taken place since I was a kid!

From homosexuality being deviant, sick, nasty, abnormal behavior, and an abomination (Wow! Just the word abomination makes it sound  extra bad!)...
to accepted, approved, normal, loving affection of a soul mate, and legally sanctioned behavior!

How am I supposed to twist my brain around 180 degrees like that?!

Give me a break, I'm old and not fond of ANY kind of change!

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around touchless faucets and electronic toilet flush things...and don't get me started on those cock-a-doodie hand blow dryers instead of perfectly good paper towels!

I really love gay people... I have for years! 

Starting with Liberace, then the Brady Bunch dad, Elton John, Ellen, all the way up to Adam Lambert. 

In all honesty, I think I really didn't LOVE gay people until Will and Grace.

I found out that gay folks have feelings like everybody else, and they are hysterically funny!

I just get a creepy feeling when I see a dude kissing another dude on a tv show like that, on a soap opera, or in a movie! Sorry, but I'm just being honest.


I'm not a homophobe!

I'm not AFRAID of gay guys, it just makes me uncomfortable to see them kissing each other, the same way I would feel uncomfortable if I watched someone eating an octopus carcass!

I don't hate the octopus eater for eating the octopus.

In the same way, I don't hate a gay for kissing another gay guy, it's just hard for me to understand those feelings.

From mankind's earliest writings, homosexuality has been viewed as an abomination, a sin against nature, in nearly every society that has ever existed..until the last few years.

So, I guess I just answered my own question. 

I do have to cope with changes my forefathers never had to face.

God help me be kind, caring, and compassionate to everyone, in spite of their different beliefs, moral decisions, and attitudes that I don't understand.
My sins are just as bad as everybody's sins, and I do not deserve your forgiveness and understanding.
So, who am I to judge other people.


  1. This was really great Danny. I love everyone too. If Jesus loves everyone I can still love my next door neighbor even though he mowed over my favorite patch of wildflowers. LOL. I love even the green lil Glirka's. <3 Hugs, Yellow rose on a pink bike.

  2. Yellow Rose on a pink bike? I love it! Could that be a new song?! I know you love everybody and every little creature! The love just pours from you like cold refreshing water from a mountain spring!
    A billion hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
