Saturday, August 17, 2013


5 in the morning I'm on the computer,
Breanna peeks from her room,
Is there anything cuter?

"Is it morning yet?" 
She asks curiously,
Go back to bed, Bre, soon it will be.

A few minutes later,
She looks out again,
"Is the sun up, Babaw,"
She says, with a grin.

Not yet, Sweetie,
She looks so darn sweet,
How long since the morning,
I wanted to greet?

A sunbeam appears,
On her little hand,
She squeals with excitement,
As if it were grand!

She makes up a song,
Singing, "Morning, It's morning!"
While I haven't finished,
My routine of yawning.

I think I remember,
Though vaguely and hazy,
When I wasn't so old,
And not a bit lazy,

And I'd jump out of bed,
With the joy of our Bre,
And I knew that all day,
I'd be happy and free.

Like my sweet inspiration,
My symbol of courage,
Who in spite of her illness,
Is never discouraged,

Breanna the happy,
Breanna the strong,
Breanna who now sings,
her sweet morning song.


  1. A sunbeam appears on her little hand. What could b more precious than this? How lovely our memories, our little ones give us. It touched my heart that you posted this sweet miracle that happens with girls & sunbeams from heavens morning light. Beautiful <3 yellow rose

    1. Her anxious expectation of morning coming was totally unexpected and amazing to me, and also very symbolic of the way she faces everything in her life! I think you understand what I mean, Yellow Rose. She is so perceptive, and realizes what she will be facing with such a spiritual, hopeful outlook!
      Your sweet words are like a healing to me, Yellow Rose! Thank you!

    2. You are so welcome. These things you share have a great lesson for us all. I have even learned from the words & storys on this blog. They are also healing words to me. Thanks to you also Danny.
