Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The Supreme Glirkheads had summoned Gary to their great Chamber Of Truth to give him an important message of...uh...IMPORTANCE!

However, the only way a Glirkazoid can enter the Chamber Of Truth is by passing the grueling Gruesome Glirkazoid Gauntlet test that only the pure in heart can survive.

Gary has already succeeded in passing the "pink bike across the Gland Canyon" test, AND was able to pass by the terrifying Glirkzilla unscathed!

Now, Gary had 3 more trials to endure!

His next life threatening test would be the darkest, nastiest, and wettest of them all!

Gary had to cross the...

Play dramatic music.

See photo of swamp at top of page.

222 courageous Glirkazoids have attempted to cross this treacherous swamp, and 222 have failed miserably.

The swamp was a filthy, yucky, quick sandy area, where all kinds of slithering, slimy, scaly monsters lurked beneath the surface to devour any creature that dared to enter the dark, stinking waters!

Gary did not know how to swim, and he was kind of afraid of the dark, but he was about the purest in heart as a Glirkazoid could get, and that was the most important element in the equation. (Element in the equation? What is this, a science lesson? Yea gads!)

Gary sat there trying to figure out what to do, when he saw a giant Glirkadactal bird flying low over the swamp!

Immediately he runs and climbs the highest Glickamore tree he can find, and when the Glirakadactal flies close enough, he jumps on it's back and holds on for dear life!

Cool! Now all he has to do is ride the big bird across the swamp and...

All of a sudden, the naughty critter starts flying upside down, Gary loses his grip, and he begin's falling down...down...down...

SPLASH! Into the filthy swamp!

Remember, Gary can't swim a stroke, so he begins sinking down...down...down...

He thinks he's gone to Glikazoid heaven when he starts hearing this beautiful music...

Begin playing music.

At this, he sees something that looks like a mermaid swimming toward him, and he can't believe his eyes!

It's the comforter, and helper of all Glirkazoids...



Yellow Rose grabs Gary, brings him to the surface, and drags him through the dark waters, monsters of the deep, and an occasional floating Baby Ruth candy bar...I hope it's a Baby Ruth candy bar!

When they reach the other side, Yellow Rose gives Gary a kiss on the cheek...or whatever a cheek is called on  Glirkazoids...and then she vanishes!

Once again, Gary has passed the test!

Who said Gary cheated?! didn't cheat!

The official rules of the Gruesome Glirkazoid Gauntlet state:

If the contestant is truly pure in heart,
the astonishingly beautiful first response girl, Yellow Rose, may deem it fair to come to the aid of the deserving party when absolutely necessary!

So there!

However, Gary still has two contests to endure, to gain entrance to the Supreme Glirkheads!

Can he do it again?

Will the extremely gorgeous Yellow Rose be willing to help him next time?

Will Gary eat that "Baby Ruth" he found? 

Oh we hope not!


  1. How adorable! I just love these. Thank you for writing this. I always smile when I read these. You r the hero in my heart! Hugs to the bestest story writer ever! yellow Rose on her pink bike with the glirka safe n sound here in our Paradise and my memories forever

    1. Wow! You are so wise, Yellow Rose! This IS like our little Paradise that we escape to every week, and it makes me extremely happy that we share it together! Wonderful observation!
      Thank you from the heart!
