Sunday, September 22, 2013


Take your grandchildren to grandparents day at their school.

Many days before grandparents day rolled around at Woodrow Wilson Elementary school, where my granddaughters attend, they were filled with excitement that we would be there!

Brooklin and Breanna kept reminding us every time we saw them, to make sure we wouldn't forget.

Come on, how many times is ANYONE that excited you're gonna do something with them, unless you're Mick Jagger or Eric Clapton!

I remember back in the olden days when I went to grade school, very few people showed up for the family type days.

However, lots of women didn't even drive back then, (yes, I'm that old) especially not grandmas, that's if your grandparents were still alive. (The life expectancy was much lower back then.) (Yes, I'm very old, thank you)

With this in mind, I was blown away by the hundreds of grandparents that showed up at W.W. Elementary for their grandkids!

Wow! The line went from the front door,  all the way down  the long sidewalk to the street, and then curved down another sidewalk for a long way!

Fortunately, we were second in line, because we are the type who are ALWAYS disgustingly early. The irritating kind of folks that show up for your barbecue 2 hours early, so you can't get anything done. It's a sickness!

Rock stars! That's how we felt when we entered the school, as Brooklin and Bre Bre proudly and loudly introduced us to all their teachers and principles, and any staff members in our path!

We were herded into the gym where tables were set up with donuts! We all grabbed a delicious donut (although that's a no no for a diabetic like me, but I didn't want to disappoint the kids, HA!), and sat down at one of those tables that is hard to slide into, like a park bench.

It was fun watching the different styles of grandparents. Some in nice clothes, some in slobby clothes, and my favorites were the long haired hippy granddads with beards and headbands! How cool is dat!

The grandkids didn't even seem to notice that their hippy grandparents were weird! They acted like they loved them, and they hugged them just as if they were "normal!" 
Just kidding folks, I used to be a hippy many moons ago! 

It was so cute to see the kids faces light up when they saw one of their little friends, like they hadn't seen them for years! I didn't take my video camera because I wasn't sure if cameras  were allowed with all the security stuff going on now.
Sad, isn't it?

My wife took Breanna to her classroom, and I took Brooklin to hers. Brooklin is in second grade and Breanna is in kindergarten.

Just a sidebar...Why do all the teachers look like super models nowadays? My grammer school teachers looked like old hags, with long dresses, deep voices, and warts on their noses, if memory serves me correctly. 

On the other hand, it could be that I'm so ancient and blind, I'm just imaginating the teachers to be so "hot!'

I read that smells bring back memories more than anything else, and I believe that's true.

Brooklin and I were coloring at her desk, and the smell of the crayons brought me right back to my old elementary school 57 years ago.

57 years ago!!! Chihuahua, that's over half a century! It can't be!!!

One of the coolest things was when the announcement came on the loud speaker for us to say the Pledge Of Allegiance! 

Talk about memory overload! 

We stood there with our hands over our hearts and said the Pledge together ( I remembered the words), and thank God, it still included "under God!" That was AWESOME and emotional to me!

Another really emotional thing was as I was leaving a little boy grabbed my hand and wanted to go with me. 

His grandparents were not there.

Then, it really broke my heart when I turned around and noticed that Brooklin was crying, because I was leaving! 

My wife said that Bre Bre was cool about her leaving, but Breanna is extremely extroverted and happy to be with her friends, anyway! Especially her boyfriend Landon, who she always has to be separated from, because they are talking too much! She is 6, Oh, dear! Ha Ha Ha!

Yes, going to grandparents day has to be one of the best experiences for building up your self worth, because your grandkids will adore you no matter how wrinkled and ugly you are! 

Even if you're an old biker, or a recycled hippy! HA HA HA HA! 


  1. That was awesome! This is the best blog because its about sweet, adorable grandchildren. I bet you and your lovely wife are awesome grandparents. I agree that they love us even if were old & wrinkled. haha. I have 9 gran-kids & love them with all my heart. Kids make the world go round. :)

  2. i knew you had 9 gran-kids, Cheryl, but where are the pictures? Ha Ha Ha! We want to see how cute they are! Maybe you could do a blog about them one day. That would be adorable!
    Thanks so much, Yellow Rose!
    Give those gran-kids big hugs!

  3. Ok, I put them up once but it was only 6 out of the 9 I put up. I will blog soon about my kiddos & grand-kids. :) Happy Sunday my BFF. Cheryl.

    1. Oh, I must have missed the first time! I want to see how many look like you!
      Looking forward to it!
      Danny B.
