Friday, October 4, 2013


I am a fan of baby animals. 

When I see baby animals it makes me so happy!

In fact, I don't understand people who do not love baby animals like I do.

It's like somebody not loving the Cardinal's baseball team! 


Or not loving White Castle hamburgers! Ha ha ha ha...can you even imagine that?!

Usually when I walk our Yorkie, Benji, down the sidewalk people go awww, and want to pet him. 

However, there are times when folks completely ignore him, and that's just not right!

What has happened to the soul of a person that doesn't love a cute little Yorkie, or baby kittens and pandas.

I have heard that there are a few people that don't like that harmless little fluffball, Rush Limbaugh! Really!!

What's not to love, huh?

He's handsome, charming, funny, fat, like Santa  Claus, from Missouri, says things about the government the way I would say it, if I were, uh, let's see, Rush Limbaugh...or maybe  even Glenn Beck...another universally loved, comical character, who wrote "The Christmas Sweater."

I think I'm like the wreck of the old 97...
getting a little off track! 

Baby animals! That's it! Adorable, frolicking, balls of fluff (like Rush) that God created to make our hearts melt at the first sight of their little faces..or is that feces?

Speaking of doggy doo, I am so glad we have a small doggie who makes tiny poop that's easy to pick up!

I have seen big dog poop along the walking path that is bigger than human poop!

No wonder their owners don't pick it up! They would need a wheelbarrow!

Well, I hope it's big dog poop and not...let's not go there. 

Did you catch the play on worms?
Let's not GO there?

Anyway, if you didn't get it, you shouldn't be reading my blog anyway!

Did I just use anyway twice in a sentence?


Anyway, I think God put love for baby animals in our hearts so we wouldn't kill them and eat them.

Kind of like a protection thingy for them.

Maybe it's the same thing with human babies. Nooo, I don't mean people would eat them if they were ugly, but it sure makes it easier to change their di-tees, clean up their projectile vomit, and wake up all hours of the night to stop their crying when they are so unbelievably cute!

So, for all of you out there who do not love baby animals, human babies, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, White Castle hamburgers, the Cardinals and Yorkies...there is a special kind of H-E- double hockey sticks waiting for you! 

Just kidding! Lighten up gang!

For those of you like me, who loves the same stuff as I you in doggie heaven, by the White Castle!


  1. I love this blog especially the video of our Benji and White Castle!!!! Love you!!!!

    1. Benji is a true STAR, and White Castle burgers belly! HA HA! Love you too, babe!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Ok, my picture of baby animals didn't show up. ANYWAY..... This blog has the cutest ever, really, really, cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lil baby animals. It's so funny & lighthearted. Uhmmmm the poo part was well just,,, u know...... It smells. Haha. What a sweet blog for Fan Friday. Oh & I must agree with your sweet wife on Benji

    2. Love your comments, Cheryl! You always make me feel better than I deserve! I hope you're feeling better. Benji is like our baby...with lots of fur! HA HA HA! Thank you for your faithful blog watching!
