Friday, October 18, 2013


I'm a big fan of Kiel Villeneuve, who created his Rhymesauce channel on YouTube! The link is directly below.
 You can thank me for turning you on to it later!

The photography in his videos is absolutely stunning, but the most powerful thing is his creative wordplay that he does to a rap beat!

I think the video below is a breath of nostalgic genius, as he weaves in the names of music icons from the past with a subliminal dual reference to a "needle," while his perfect timing of every word to the beat is mind blowing!

Kiel's trip to the zoo is something very special, in the way he links the animals to contemporary animated features like "The Lion King," and "Happy Feet,"  with such a lighthearted, super cool flair!

Monty the Gambler "has a fuller house than the Olsen twins!" Priceless! That's what
Kiel says in this next video, which is a comprehensive view of Las Vegas with a good story. All in 2 minutes!!

If you enjoy fun, intelligent, entertaining videos with exceptionally cool music and brilliant lyrics, Rhymesauce is for you!

Speaking of FUN!!

I REALLY hope you take the time to check out Kiel's videos in this blog! He is a great guy, and did I mention I think he's a genius?


  1. This is a greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat channel. Talented. Great blog love it friend. :) Have a happy day! :)))

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! Kiel's videos are so much fun, and he is a very cool, supportive, friend on YouTube! Not unlike you, Lady Mim!

    2. I went to check him out & had subbed him a while back. He is cool! Thanks Danny....:)
      U R AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  2. Thanks again, Danny. Seriously one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. You rock!

    1. You're welcome, my friend! Your music videos make me happy, and I just wanted to share my feelings about them!
      Take care of yourself, Kiel!
