Thursday, October 17, 2013


Rebecca Sedwick

What a time for communication,
Instant messaging, across the nation,
Across the world we send our words,
Even if they're quite absurd.

No matter if the truth is said,
We just push send, then scratch our head,
And wonder if we should have sent it,
And question if we really meant it.

The main thing is, it got there fast,
So we can't worry about the past,
That was so 5 seconds ago,
So, let it go, just let it go.

Could we look into their eyes,
Without electronic disguise,
And say the rude things to their face,
About their clothes, their looks, their race.

It's so easy to abuse, 
To start a fight, and feelings bruise,
When done out on the internet,
We don't even break a sweat.

A girl was only 12 years old,
She was bullied by those mean and cold,
She brought her own life to an end,
Because somebody just pushed send.


  1. How sad!!! Maybe this blog will help with awareness on what cyber bullying can do to a person. So sad & such a waste for this lovely girl & all who loved her & all the lives she touched & all the ones she COULD HAVE TOUCHED. Aww!:( Great blog Danny & so sweet, your friend, Cheryl.

    1. I really appreciate your comments, Cheryl, knowing the abuse you suffered in your life!
      I'm sure you understand what this innocent young girl was going through, and her feelings of betrayal and hopelessness.
      We can pray for her family together, and for those who are suffering all different kinds of abuse around the world!
      I'm so happy you survived your ordeal, and remain the sweet person you are today!

  2. This blog is so right on. I often think of how many people wouldn't say to a person's face, the horrible things they say online. Also, if your child is being bullied, Take their phone away, block the text messaging app on their phones, do what you have to in order to keep the venom from coming to your child. With all of the texting apps blocked your kid is still able to call out when necessary. Great Blog Brother.

    1. You always have a way of getting to the heart of the problem, Dee-Dee! I was thinking the same thing. I would much rather have my child without a phone, or with her text messaging blocked, than her suffering fierce bullying from cruel "friends," that could lead to heartbreaking things. Thanks for your wise words!
