Saturday, November 9, 2013


I keep hearing caterwauling,
That a satellite is falling,
GOCE is the acronym for Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer,
It may seem very strange to us,
But scientists adore her!

They say it's falling from the sky,
Cause it ran out of gas,
It may crash in the ocean,
And it may crash on your,

 Ask me now no questions, 
And I'll tell you now no lies,

If GOCE smashes up your house,
Don't say you were surprised,

We've all had ample warning,
That the satellite is dropping,
It has no anti gravity brakes,
It has no way of stopping!

If it breaks up in to pieces,
Of 30, 40, or more,
There's even a much greater chance,
One you can't ignore,

That a part of it lands on your head,
Weighing in at 200 pounds,
That squishes you so very small,
Your eyeballs can't be found!

You'd think they could devise a way,
To destroy it before crashing,
Europe sent it up there,
So wouldn't that be smashing?

What ever happened to the term,
We now will self destruct,
The explosion would be awesome,
And it wouldn't dent my truck!

So, let the shards fall where they may,
I hear "Chicken Little" calling,
The end is coming close to thee,
For I'm sure the "sky is falling!"

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