Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The wonderous experience of traveling hither, thither, and yon, about the vast and expanding universe, whilst protecting, defending, and amusing diverse creatures interwoven in the fabric of celestial, co-habitational cohesiveness, was the only reward Gary and Yellow Rose really was nice to receive a paycheck every month!

Well, they didn't actually pick up a paycheck. Their pay was direct deposited into the First Intergalactical Bank Of Glirka, in the amount of one billion pazoozas, each!

Unfortunately, after taxes,only 10 pazoozas remained between the both of them!

Yellow Rose - "We need a part time job, Gary! We don't take home enough pazoozas to cover our asteroids!"

Gary - "Why do we need to cover our asteroids, Y.R.?"

Yellow Rose - "That's just an expression, pinhead! I'm just saying that we need MORE money!!"

Gary - "Pinhead?! Let me remind you, I finished second in my class at the academy!!!"

Yellow Rose - "I guess you have a point! Ha Ha Ha! Get it, Gary? You have a point?! On top of your HEAD! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Oh, that was soooo funny!!!"

Gary - (grumbling and mumbling) "Well, I DID finish second in my class!" 

Yellow Rose - (laughing hysterically) "Gary, there were only TWO cadets in your class! Ha Ha Ha Ha!"

Gary - "Your about as funny as a screen door on an underwater probe capsule!!!"

Yellow Rose - "Oh, Gary, you know I'm only funnin' wit ya! Now, what are we gonna do to make more pazoozas?"

Gary - "Look here, Yellow Rose! This message on my message thingy says I may have already won the Plutonian Clearing House contest!"

Yellow Rose - "Good grief!" 

What will Gary and Yellow Rose do to make more pazoozas?

Will danger be part of the next episode?

Will excitement run with reckless abandon next week?

I sincerely hope so, because this episode really sucked!!

Bye bye, until the next OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY!!!!


  1. "Plutonian Clearing House" hahaha

    1. Kiel! I'm always so happy when you comment! Thanks, man!!
