Thursday, April 3, 2014


I feel like crappolla...warmed over! 

It's 5:12 P.M. C.S.T., and I know it's much too late for any of my ancient, old friends to stay up and read this, but I need to do something to cheer myself up. I hope this works! 

♪♫Oooooh, tra la la, la la la looo, 
I don't know why I'm feelin' blue, 
but maybe if I write a bit, 
then I won't even give a s care!♫

Well, THAT didn't work, I'll turn on Family Feud,
Steve Harvey is ALWAYS funny!

Oh, shoot-fire! It's a freakin' rerun! 

♪♫Let's see, clicky, clicky click on the old remote,
♫Which little channel will float my boat?♫

NOOOOOO! NO, NO, NO NO...I'm NOT watching the cockadoodie NEWS!!!

It's way too sad tonight.

It wouldn't be so bad if the news only lasted an hour, like back in the fifties, but now they don't ever let go of the same depressing story for hours on end...AND...DAYS ON END!!!

I do not NEED to know the life story of the shooter, and the reporters should NOT stick their microphone into the faces of sobbing, grieving family members of the victims!!!

I can't handle it right now...I REALLY can't!!!

Much...much BETTER!

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