Thursday, April 24, 2014


The perfect weather we are having right now is better than any perfect weather I've ever experienced in my whole life! 

Why, you ask in a semi-curious manner.

The reason is because of the longest, coldest, snowiest, most miserable winter I can ever remember! 

I prayed for weather like this, and now that we've got it, I'm gonna enjoy every single second!!

Benji loves it too! When I take him on his walks, he wants to smell every single thing! Every blade of grass, every bug, every rock, tree, fire hydrant...and he has the ability to pee on everything he smells! How can his little body hold so much pee-pee?!

Speaking of Benji, I don't mean Benji smells...well, he DOES smell, but he doesn't STINK!

Anyway...he would smell a, let's say, shrub, for 10 solid minutes, if I'd let him...and I don't!

I have to admit, when I open a can of fresh coffee, I can smell that for a long time! 

"They" say that a dog's sense of smell is 10,000 times better than a human's, so that might explain why Benji "gets off" on the tiniest little aroma.

Now that we're on the subject of my little buddy, Benji, I think the little routine he does before he poops is a scream!

He sniffs close to the ground in about a 10 foot section of somebody else's lawn, then walks back and forth, back and forth, about 8 times, like a soldier guarding the Tomb Of The Unknown, then turns in a circle, squats real cute-like, and poops.

What? No, I don't pick it up! It's not MY cockadoodie lawn! 

Just kidding! I collect all of our plastic Kroger bags for efficient, sanitary, pickup.

Sometimes Benji poops so many turds that it's difficult to pick it all up with one hand (I can only use one hand because I'm holding the leash with the other hand), so I have to pick up each individual turd, but when I have a few turds already in my hand, I'll drop one or two trying to pick up another one! It's very frustrating!

Don't get me wrong, folks! My hand is covered by the plastic bag, so no doggie feces touches my flesh...usually.

Benji is a very lovable, sweet pup, who plays with our granddaughters (there are 7 of them) without ever hurting them, biting, growling, or even getting angry when they accidentally step on his paw!

However, it is a totally different story when it comes to other dogs! He is very snooty, snippy, and snappy!
He has never bitten another dog, but he let's them know he does not enjoy having his butt sniffed, especially by BIG dogs! 

Benji doesn't think he's a little Yorkie. In his mind, he's a German Shepard, Doberman, or a humongous Pit Bull! He is always going after the most gigantic, meanest looking dogs in the neighborhood...fortunately, I'm there to pull him back with his leash.

How did we get on the subject of Benji? I wanted to talk about this perfect weather that I longed for during that horrible, horrific winter that I like to call "The White Death!"

In conclusion, God made winter, and God made dogs. I like dogs better!