Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Gary - (Awakens from a deep sleep!) "Yellow Rose...Yellow Rose! I just suffered through the most horrific nightmare ever!"

Yellow Rose - "Well, don't tell me about it until you eat breakfast!" 

Gary - "Why is that?"

Yellow Rose - "I don't know...that's what my Mama always told me."

Gary - "Okay, then hand me that pop tart and I'll tell you." (Gary talking with his mouth full) The Subreme Glirbheads send down an edict thad all mizzions by ALL da Glirbazoid oberadives would be canzelled, kapoot..."

Yellow Rose - "Gary! Stop talking with your mouth full, and speak in plain Glirkazoidian!"

Gary - "Sorry, I was just trying to tell you that in my nightmare, we were canned, fired, retired, discharged, sent out to pasture..."

Yellow Rose - "I get it, Gary, but you know those silly dreams never come true! As long as you don't tell anyone the details before breakfast."

Gary - "Oh, no! I told you about my nightmare DURING breakfast! Will all this come true now?"

Yelow Rose - "Don't you never mind about any of that superstitious stuff, Gary. We will ALWAYS go on our super, amazing, exciting missions together! Heck or high water!"

Gary - "So, it was all just a bad dream?"

Yellow Rose - "Yep! How could the universe survive without us, Gary?"

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