Thursday, September 11, 2014

Sept. 11, 2001

Breaking accident? A plane crashed into a building...New York City...oh, how tragic...was it pilot error or mechanical failure? Wait...oh, my god...ANOTHER plane has hit the other tower...this is no this an attack?! I want to turn it off and pretend it didn't happen...but that's impossible...I feel like I'm in shock and cannot turn my head's almost the same feeling as when Kennedy was shot...but even worse in a lot of ways...I'm seeing this as it's happening...the massive amount of smoke ...and...what?! Oh, my God! One tower is crumbling like when an old building is demolished with, God! How can a plane crash at the top cause the whole building to crumble like a house of cards? This doesn't make sense! Dear the other building is crumbling in the same exact way! Something internal is causing this...planes crashing into the TOP of buildings could not make them disintegrate like this! This must be a bad dream...and...Oh, God...I'm so ashamed...the people...the burning, crushed, terrified people inside those buildings! I need to stop watching and pray for them! Dear God, please help those innocent people who are trapped in those burning buildings, keep them safe, and strong through this horrible, frightening time! In Jesus name, Amen!

We all remember these horrifying events and how we felt on that day. We also remember the sadness and heartache we felt as the details were slowly revealed...the death toll, the terrified passengers on the planes, the brave ones who fought the hijackers and gave their lives with a pure love that is beyond what most of us have ever seen...and the heartbreaking and wonderfully faith strengthening words of the victims families, that brought us to tears..and more tears!

I know it's very hard, but recall all those memories to your mind, and remember...remember...

remember ..

the DAY that has to be remembered!