Thursday, October 2, 2014


I just realized I have not done a "Thoughtful Thursday" blog posting for many moons, and I would be remiss if I didn't hunker down and do one on this year of our Lord of Oct. 2, 2014.

If any of you recall, you will remember that I always write "Thoughtful Thursday" in soothing colors, non-offensive words, with love, compassion, and heartfelt, umm, what word do I want to use here...empathy...yeah...that's the word...EMPATHY!

I am a bit of an empath, FYI.  When I watch America's Funniest Videos I can REALLY feel the pain when those dudes get hit in the "family jewels" with a pinata bat! OUCH!

Furthermore, when one of my 7 granddaughters gets a scraped knee or elbow or something, I feel their pain so much I can't even look at the injury, and let someone else take care of it! Ewww!

So, my dear friends, I write "Thoughtful Thursday" in a compassionate, relaxing, empathetic way, to make all of you feel refreshed, as if you were floating, floating, floating on a soft, puffy cloud, like in a toilet paper commercial.

At this tom, why don't you go draw yourself a bath...using a #2 pencil. You can trace if you like.
Then draw a picture of your naked self in the bathtub, with scented candles all around, and a glass of wine on the edge of the tub, if it will balance there without falling into the tub and breaking, where then you'll have to watch out for the broken glass that...Oh, I almost forgot...this is only a drawing! Whew! What a relief! 

Now, take that little sketch and tie it to a helium balloon, while playing Beethoven's 9th symphony on your cars C.D. player, and watch the balloon, along with your work of art, drift, climb, float, float away up to the "cloud," where all of your computer files are stored.

Do you see, by now, how all of this, uh, STUFF, is taking away your stress, anxiety, heartache, fears, trepidation, and bloating?

You don't? 

You say, it's not working?

Okay, then buy a bottle of Jack Daniels, pour just a wee bit into a thimble (if you still have a thimble), throw that thimble over your shoulder for good luck and polish off the rest of the bottle of whisky!

That's what will MAKE SURE you enjoy your "Thoughtful Thursday!" 

Oh, behave, Mama!

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