Wednesday, January 27, 2016


As the Silver Sausage Spazeship makes it's way across the of my favorite Beatles songs...

I like this "outtake" version!

to recue the Glirkazoidian captives, they are visited by Big Gaz...prognosticator, soothsayer, sage, parsley, all knowing, all seeing, predictor, prenatal, aboriginal man of all trades, master of some!

However, he doesn't beam in like most visitors. Oh, no! He seeps in, like a fine mist, and then forms himself together into a big, giant head, like the Wizard of Oz, but without the fire.

Rumor has it that Big Gaz is from a place called OZ. No one really knows.

Big Gaz speaks in his strange, almost indecipherable language..."Gadday, mites! Ows it angin, ya bloody bloke and sheila!"

Rosie - "Nothing hanging here, Big Gaz, but would you please speak in Glirkazoidian so we can understand you better?" 

Big Gaz - "Onya, mate! I mean, okay "sugar bunny!" Is that better?"

Rosie - "Wow! You even know the Glirkazoid "street language"...very impressive!"

Gary - "Watch who you're callin' sugar bunny, Big Gaz! She's my g..., I mean, uh...GREAT spaze companion!" 

Gig Gaz - "I get it, buddy, (winks at Gary) you don't want Big Gaz hornin' in on your squeeze, huh?" 

Gary - "She's not my "squeeze," Big Gaz! I've NEVER laid a hand on her!"

Big Gaz - "Don't forget, stud, Big Gaz is ALL KNOWING and ALL SEEING!"

Rosie - "Come on, guys! Cut the crap, and let's get to what Big Gaz wants to tell us!"

Big Gaz - "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot! Guess the identity of the two captives you're about to rescue!" 

Gary - "It's gotta be two of the Supreme Glirkheads, right?"

Big Gaz - "El no no!"

Rosie - "The presidents of Glirka, Glarrock and Glichelle Oglama?"

Big Gaz - "Nada, no way! Give up?"

Rosie and Gary - "Yeah, we give up."

Big Gaz - "Okay, it's none other than both of your parents, Greg and Rita! I'm so sorry!"

Rosie and Gary look at each other...and then begin to laugh their arses off! (Glirkazoids LITERALLY laugh their arses off, but then they grow back the next day)

Gary - "My dad? Ha ha ha ha, oh, the poor kidnapper, that old fart will drive Lord Demonica up a wall!"

Rosie - "Hee hee, haw haw haw, my mom will give him a heart attack from stress and fear!!"

Big Gaz - "They can't be THAT bad, can they?"

Rosie - "I thought you were all knowing and seeing?"

Big Gaz - "Well...I'm kinda, MOSTLY all knowing and seeing, but nobody's perfect!"

We are now transported to the uncomfortable planet of Anti-Morpheus...

Anti-Morpheus...a planet so uncomfortable that no one can sleep!

Lord Demonica - "When will Rosie and Gary show up to rescue these stubborn old Glirkazoids?!! They are driving me INSANE!!

The ugly Lord Demonica

Greg - "Hey, Demmy! Turn up the heat! It's like an ice box in this tiny cell!"

Lord Demonica - "Stop calling me Demmy! It sounds like dummy! Address me as Lord Demonica!"

Greg - "Sure thing, Demmy! You know, if you were any uglier, I'd puke! "Speaking of puking, what kind of slop are you feeding us in here? It tastes like Pigillion Poop!"

Rita - "That's not all, you goat headed moron, this place stinks like the Rancid Sea Of Mucus, on the planet of Phartz!"

Lord Demonica - "Be silent! Don't you know I could destroy you in a nano second?!"

Rosie - "Yes, you could, but we also realize you ain't gonna, because we're no good to you dead!
You're using us as bait, to lure in our kids, so you can ambush and murderize THEM, you big COWARD!!"

Lord Demonica - (Places his claw-like hands over his ears) "Shut up!! Shut up!! I pity Gary and Rosie for having abominable parents like you two!!
I'm releasing you at once! Go away, be gone! Aye yi yi, you've given me such a headache!!"

Back aboard the Silver Sausage...

Rosie - "Look, Gary! We just received a message from my mom and your dad.
"Lord Demonica released them, and they are headed back to Glirka."

Gary - "Took him long enough! Were they able to swipe the plans to all of Lord Demonica's weapons systems?"

Rosie - "Right from under his... I was gonna say nose, but he really only has an ugly hole."

Gary - "Ha! I'm so proud of them! 
They still got it!!"


  1. OMG! This was me of your best Wenesdays. I loved it mateeeeee.
    Onya, AVAGOODAY matie. Uhmmmmm, in my language this was awesomeeeeeeee, amazing and punny. Heheee. I needed a laugh today. Bless ya Danny my friend.

    1. You are very punny yourself, Rosie! Thanks for being such a great friend and spaze pard!!
