Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Rosie - (Sitting at the dashboard of the Silver Sausage Spazeship) "It looks like we're gonna be entering a big debris field, Gary! So hold on to your tussie!"

Gary - "I'm holding on to it, Rosie!"

Rosie - "I said, YOUR tussie, not mine,!!"

Gary - "It was an honest mistake, Rosie. It's dark in outer spaze!"

Rosie - "Yeah, but it's not dark here in the COCKPIT! 

Gary starts laughing, hysterically.

Rosie - "What are you laughing about, Gary? You think the word, cockpit, is funny? You're so childish!!"

At that, they enter the deadly, devastating, dastardly, DEBRIS FIELD!! 


Gary - "WOWWEE! That was a wild and cwazy debris field!" 

Rosie - "It really was, but it's not pronounced the way it's spelled, Gary! It's pronounced, da-bree."

Gary - "You're weird, Rosie! I've always pronounced it de-bris!"

Rosie - "I know! You also say Wed-nes-day, instead of Wendsday, iz-land, instead of i-land, and Co-lo-nel, instead of Kernal!"

Gary - "Absolutely, my friend! Now lets celebrate making it through the debris field by drinking some cham-pag-nee!"

Rosie - "You're hopeless, my funny friend!"

All of a sudden, the Silver Sausage starts to stutter and sputter, hiss and spew, hokie and pokie, and spin and spiral...

Rosie - "Gary! Going through the debris field must have caused severe damage to the ship!! We need to land this thing on the nearest planet to repair the damage, before we lose all power and control, and drift in the endless blackness of spaze, until we perish!!!"

Gary - "You are so dramatic, Rosie, but always correct! So, let's put down on Pluberus, which is the nearest planet to us."


Rosie - "Pluberus?!! We can't land on Pluberus!! Are you insane!!!"

Gary - "We have no choice, Rosie.


What is the problem with Pluberus?

Is it a pitiful planet with piranhas and pit bulls?

Are there painful plagues and poisoned Pepsi?

Come back next week to find out on...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my if the Pepsi is poisonous what will become of the world? Ohhhh I so pronounced Debris.... Der-bis instead of da- Bre ....seriously. My kids laughed at me. Oh my Lordy I hope this story ends well. Sounds like their could be trouble. I'm worried.. Really really worried. Lol
    Great adventure, spine tingling cliffhanger. I'm covering my eyeballs. Hehee. Good blo!
