Wednesday, February 17, 2016


You may, or may not, recall when Humphey Bogart (AKA Charlie Allnut) had to get out of the African Queen boat, and pull it through the shallow waters of the Ulanga river with a rope, and his face showed how agonizingly painful this must have been!

When he climbed back into the boat, he discovered he was covered in LEECHES, and he hated leeches worse than Indiana Jones hated snakes! 

To make things worse, he had to go back in the water, with the stinking leeches, and pull the boat some more!!! 

If you have no idea what I'm talkng about, look at this clip starting at about 11:32...

By now, you're probably wondering if I have a point, right?

My point is...uh...I mean...umm...NOW I REMEMBER!

The horrific ordeals that Rosie and Gary will endure on the planet of Pluberus, will be a billion toms worse than what Charlie and Rosie (A different Rosie) went through on the Ulanga!!


Gary - "What a rough landing, Rosie! Doesn't Pluberus have any smooth surfaces? I felt like I was a pinball!"

Rosie - "What's a pinball?"

Gary - "A pinball is a little silver ball that bounces around in all different directions in an ancient Earth game."

Rosie - "You mean, like in the Pinball Wizard song?"

Gary - "Yeah! Yeah! Just like in the Pinball Wizard song!!"

Rosie - "Never heard of it!" 

Rosie loved messing with Gary's little mind, just to get him worked up and frazzled.

Gary - "ROSIE! Here we are, crash landed on an ultra-dangerous, bumpy, smelly, uncomfortably moist, enemy filled planet...and you're messin' with my mom...I mum...I'm tryin' to say...MY MIND!!! Aaaaaarg!!!!"

Rosie - "Sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood, under the difficult circumstances."

Gary - "Difficult circumstances?! I'm sure you know that no creatures have ever landed on Pluberus and lived to tell the tale, right?"

Rosie - "Puzzle me this. If NO ONE ever lived to tell about it, how do we know no one ever survived, hmmm?" 

Gary - "The Pluberusians brag about it, knucklehead! It's legendary! EVERYBODY has seen their videos of them emulsificating ANY and ALL creatures that have "invaded" their planet, whether they crash landed by accident or not!" 

Rosie - "Well, you know we're gonna have to go outside the spazeship to repair the damage, right?"

Gary - "What do you mean, WE, girl?! It's way too dangerous for you to go out there! Rosie? Where did you go, Rosie?!"

Gary fears the worst...looks out of the porthole, and sees Rosie OUTSIDE, repairing the damage to the Silver Sausage!

What terrifying, treacherous tribulation will befall our sweet Rosie?

Will Gary be in time to rescue Rosie from a ruinous, reckless T. Rex, or something even more deadly?!!

Join us next week for Episode 4 of OUT OF THIS WORLD WEDNESDAY!!!!


  1. Gary is right, I've been subscribed to the Pluberusians Youtube page for a while now!

    1. That's proof positive, Kiel! Everything on the internet is true!! Thanks, man!!

  2. The Pluberusians are pussies compared to the Amazing Amazonian Aardvarks of Aureolus. Those things suck the meat out of you and use your bones for soup.

    1. Oh, yeah! I shudder at thought of the AAA of A! Their reality show is a big hit throughout the universe, but I go for a milder form of gore!

  3. This is great! It's awesome! Omg! It's scary! I'm speechless. Great series.
    Miss ya;) best blog ever!!!
